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Expanding the Indian IT Market with Strategic Partnerships.
CubixTech is glad to have the presence of Mr. Eyal Wachsman- CEO & Co- Founder, Cymulate Israel to Pune, thank you for sharing your vision & supporting CubixTech as a Strategic Partner for India.
Gratitude to Mr. Shailendra Sahasrabudhe, Country Head India & SAARC for believing in us & work with us hand in hand.
December 2022
CubixTech has achieved the Gold tier Partner Level of F5.
We are proud to announce that CubixTech has achieved the Gold tier Partner Level of F5. Both the India and Singapore entities of CubixTech have achieved the Gold Tier of F5 Partnership. Our journey continues hand in hand with F5 to conquer many more milestones. Deep gratitude to the whole F5 team for trusting us.
Together we lead!
December 2022
Allot Israel and CubixTech partnership escalates.
In the picture: Mr. Tomer Egozi, Sr. Vice President (Global) Allot Israel at Mumbai with CubixTech's Leadership Team.
Mr. Tomer is upbeat about India Market and revealed various plans for India with its VAD CubixTech and together they are confident of scaling the business along with focused partner community for ALLOT in India and SAARC.